
The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Social Infrastructure – Global Practice (SI-GP), ESID participated in 3rd World Irrigation Forum (WIF3), held in Indonesia under the theme of “Development for water, food and nutrition security in a competitive environment”.
On August 20-21st, 2019, The Indonesia Africa Infrastructure Dialogue (IAID) took place in Bali, Indonesia. The Head of IsDB RHI participated in the panel discussion on financing scheme and delivered remarks on how the IsDB group can help bridge the financing and investment between Indonesia and Africa.
On August 13th – 14th, 2019, The IsDB Group held a Case Study Writing Workshop, which was organized by the Knowledge Management and Institutional Learning Division of ERIL and the Regional Hub of Indonesia.
On August 8th, 2019, the IsDB launched its 2018 Annual Report of the Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF). This report was made in collaboration between the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, IsDB Group, ISFD, King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center, and the Qatar Fund for Development.
On July 26th, 2019, a delegation from the “ Centre for Indonesia-Malaysia- Thailand Sub-Regional Cooperation (CIMT) “ - based in Malaysia – and led by Mr. Firdaus Dahlan (Director) visited the RHI.
A Reverse Linkage validation mission was conducted on 8-16 July and wrap up meeting on  July 16th, 2019, the IsDB RHI team, along with the Reverse Linkage specialists from IsDB HQ, met with the Ministry of Agriculture for the wrap-up meeting on Reverse Linkage for the Upland Project. This wrap-up meeting was also attended by representatives from the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the National Planning Agency (Bappenas). 