IsDB Committed to Accelerating the Islamic Finance Technology

IsDB Group in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance Indonesia and Indonesian Association of Islamic Economists organized the 3rd Annual Islamic Finance Conference entitled “Enhancing the Role of Islamic Finance within Digital Economy Era: Opportunities and Challenges”  in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance Indonesia and Indonesian Association of Islamic Economists organized the 3rd Annual Islamic Finance Conference entitled “Enhancing the Role of Islamic Finance within Digital Economy Era: Opportunities and Challenges”  in Makassar, South Sulawesi on 4-5 July 2018. The conference aimed to encourage discussions on the synergy between the Islamic finance and financial technology in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Approximately 300 representatives from multilateral banks, international and bilateral development agencies, policy makers from government ministries and agencies, private sector and academia participated in the conference.

H.E. Dr. Mardiasmo, the Vice Minister of Finance Indonesia, inaugurated the conference on behalf of H.E the Minister of Finance Indonesia. H.E. Dr. Humayon Dar, the Director General of Islamic Research & Training Institute (IRTI), delivered the keynote speech on behalf of H.E. Dr. Bandar Hajjar, IsDB President, and reiterated IsDB’s commitment to supporting Indonesia in developing its Islamic finance in the age of fintech. “Indonesia will be able to successfully transform its enormous untapped potential into tangible benefits in Islamic finance,” Dr. Dar said.

H.E. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, the Minister of National Development Planning Indonesia also delivered his keynote speech entitled “Social Impact in Digital Economy: Islamic Finance Development Strategy”.
