IsDB and Indonesia Strengthen Partnership in Promoting SSC through Reverse Linkage

To mark the celebration of the 2018 United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Ministry of National Development Planning, Government of Indonesia (Bappenas) introduced a landmark publication entitled “Reverse Linkage: Development through South-South Cooperation” in Jakarta on 26 September 2018. H.E. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, the Minister of National Development Planning Indonesia and Ibrahim Shoukry, the Head of IsDB Regional Hub Indonesia co-hosted the event attended by representatives from development partners, line ministries and agencies, Indonesia’s Reverse Linkage resource centers and the media.

The publication aims to highlight the contribution of IsDB in promoting South-South Cooperation through Reverse Linkage mechanism. Reverse Linkage is a triangular program that connects a country seeking for expertise in innovation and technology, with a member country that has greater capacity in the field required by the beneficiary member country. IsDB serves as a facilitator between the two member countries toward helping to build their partnership.

In regards to the launching of the book, IsDB President Dr. Bandar Hajjar said, “Partnership for development is a key pillar of the President’s 5-Year Program (P5P) which IsDB is implementing. I firmly believe this publication will be a significant addition to the body of knowledge on South-South Cooperation and a source of inspiration for many. It will offer opportunities to generate new ideas to solve development challenges through solidarity-based partnerships and crowd-based arrangements and, thus, unleash the full potential of South-South Cooperation.”

Minister of National Development Planning, Prof. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, said “International Development Cooperation (IDC) is one of the instrument to build mutual benefits among countries. The Government of Indonesia sees the importance of utilizing development cooperation both in the regional and global fora to establish a strategic role for Indonesia to tackle global issues. We hope that the implementation of Reverse Linkage Initiatives could support the effort of member countries to increase economic benefits through international development cooperation mechanism.”

In preparing the publication which reflects the achievements of the Bank in promoting South-South Cooperation through the Reverse Linkage mechanism, IsDB collaborated with 30 development partners including Indonesia, one of its leading partners in Reverse Linkage. Bappenas contributed immensely to the publication by providing an article entitled “Indonesia’s Contribution in Developing South-South & Triangular Cooperation”, elaborating the background of the country’s engagement and its leading programs under the framework of Reverse Linkage.

Through Reverse Linkage Program, the Government of Indonesia expressed its strong commitment to play a prominent role and act as a Knowledge Hub in South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC). Indonesia has been a significant partner to the Global South through sustained contribution to development cooperation. Under the knowledge sharing framework, Indonesia attempts to promote cooperation to resolve development challenges. The initiation of Reverse Linkages program with IsDB has resulted in bilateral cooperation between the Government of Indonesia and the Kyrgyz Republic, Suriname, Morocco and Tunisia facilitated by IsDB. The projects show that Reverse Linkage is a modality that can enhance the benefits of the South-South Cooperation, especially by providing capacity development to member countries with the potential of evolving into lasting sustainable partnerships.

Kindly download the publication at this link.
