IDB Group Launches Its Member Country Partnership Strategy (MCPS) 2016-2020 for Indonesia

Jakarta - The IDB Group President, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, and the Minister of National Development Planning, Government of Indonesia, Dr. Sofyan Djalil, officially launched the IDB Group Member Country Partnership Strategy 2016-2020 for Indonesia

The IDB Group President, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, and the Minister of National Development Planning, Government of Indonesia, Dr. Sofyan Djalil, officially launched the IDB Group Member Country Partnership Strategy 2016-2020 for Indonesia with the overarching theme of “Supporting Smart, High and Inclusive Growth” during the Opening Ceremony of IDB Group 41st Annual Meeting in Jakarta. The partnership strategy is aligned with the Government’s National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019 with a tentative financing envelope of USD 5.2 billion.

This partnership strategy is the second MCPS for Indonesia, following first IDB Group MCPS for Indonesia (2011-2014). The MCPS 2016-2020 focuses on programs under three thematic areas: reducing regional disparities through providing sustainable support for economic and social infrastructure, deepening Islamic financial industry through promoting Islamic finance and financial inclusion, and supporting regional integration through expanding Reverse Linkages and supporting existing regional integration program.

The IDB Group will also closely work with development partners such as World Bank, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Arab Coordination Group to mobilize additional resources for financing priority projects during the MCPS period. IDB Group will also consider direct lending to state-owned enterprises with a sovereign guarantee by the Government of Indonesia. ITFC will partner with local banks to extend trade financing and ICD will cooperate with the financial and corporate sectors to mobilize resources for medium-to-long-term finance.

The IDB Group MCPS 2016-2020 for Indonesia document is downloadable at this link.
