Istanbul Hosts Major “Consultative Workshop on IsDB’s Policy of Engagement with Civil Society”

The consultative workshop came in line with the Global Agenda 2030 as the IsDB remains at the forefront of addressing diverse challenges faced by its member countries in various economic and social sectors.

Istanbul, Turkey, 3 October 2018 – A major consultative workshop was held, in Istanbul, on IsDB’s policy of engagement with the civil society organizations (CSOs) in different member countries.

A joint effort by the IsDB and SESRIC and partners in collaboration with IsDB Group Regional Hub Turkey, the event was held on the sidelines of the workshop on “enhancing humanitarian response and resilience through civil society organizations in OIC member countries”, 2-3 October. A host of experts and professionals attended the consultative workshop including those from Jordan, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Somalia, the OIC, SESRIC, IsDB, UNDP, UNHCR, IITA, Turkish Red Crescent, Pakistan poverty Alleviation Fund, Save the Children, IFRC in Africa, IHH, Doctors Worldwide Turkey, and Islamic Relief Worldwide.   

The consultative workshop came in line with the Global Agenda 2030 as the IsDB remains at the forefront of addressing diverse challenges faced by its member countries in various economic and social sectors.

Since the 10-Year Strategy of the Bank calls for inclusive social development and more participation of NGOs / CSOs in IsDB development interventions, IsDB has embarked on the preparation of a CSOs engagement policy to provide guidance on its interventions with CSOs inter alia NGOs, community groups, foundations, and think tanks. The policy aims to (i) create a framework of dialogue, consultation and partnership with CSOs in order to foster the sharing of knowledge and experiences; and (ii) improve the direct assistance to local communities in member countries and/or Muslim communities in non-member countries through CSOs.

A policy study was also commissioned to take stock of the internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to the Bank’s capability to engage with civil society across all its operations. Moreover, a review and assessment exercise of other Multilateral Development Banks’ engagement with CSOs was carried out to benchmark the policy with the engagement of similar organizations.

