2nd Training on Agricultural Mechanization for African Experts

Joint efforts in Ankara by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group Regional Hub Turkey as well as several major entities, including the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry sees the start of the 2nd Agricultural Mechanization Training Program for specialists from Africa.

Ankara, Turkey, 9 March 2020 –Joint efforts in Ankara by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group Regional Hub in Turkey as well as several relevant organizations, including the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry saw the start of the 2nd Agricultural Mechanization Training Program for specialists from Africa.    

The Opening Ceremony for the training was held on March 9, 2020, in the auditorium of Ankara University’s Faculty of Agriculture with the participation of 18 Agricultural specialists from nine select IsDB Member African Countries, namely; Algeria, Cameroon, Chad, The Gambia, Libya, Mozambique, The Sudan, Tunisia and Uganda.

Officials from the IsDB Group, TİKA and TARMAKBİR as well as academicians and students from Ankara University attended the ceremony during which IsDB Group Regional Hub Turkey’s Selçuk Dağ underlined that the Bank strongly encourages South-South Cooperation among its member countries, and provides both financial and technical support to technical assistance and capacity building programs designed to ensure the exchange of knowledge, expertise, technology and resources amongst its member countries.

The two-week program is particularly designed to enable the participating experts to share experience and knowledge with their peers back home and contribute to a more optimal level of food security in their respective countries.   
