RH Turkey and Arab Coordination Group Partners Discuss Support to Mohmand Dam and HPP Project in Pakistan

The Operations Team from Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group Regional Hub Turkey (RHT) holds a technical meeting to discuss the plans and progress for co-financing and joint processing of the Mohmand Dam and Hydropower Project (MDHP) in Pakistan, with representatives of Arab Coordination Group (ACG) members, namely Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), and Saudi Fund for Development (SFD).

Jeddah / Ankara / Islamabad - The Operations Team from Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group Regional Hub Turkey (RHT) held a technical meeting with representatives of Arab Coordination Group (ACG) members, namely Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), and  Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) to discuss the plans and progress for co-financing and joint processing of the Mohmand Dam and Hydropower Project (MDHP) in Pakistan.

The multi-purpose project, which is currently under IsDB’s 2021 Annual Work Program for Pakistan will primarily support the energy security agenda of the country while also countributing to several socio-economic objectives.

The prime purpose of the project is to generate 2,862 GWh/yr of clean, affordable and reliable electricity serving 4 hours of peak power needs.

As a regional development initiative, once completed and operational, the project will also improve irrigation services for 14,483 ha of agricultural land, boost agricultural productivity by 15% and yield 100,000 tons of new crops to be grown, enhance flood control, provide a freshwater supply of 13.32 m3/s to Peshawar city which accommodates 2 million people.

Thus, the project will contribute to multiple SDGs, directly to goals 2, 6, 7 and 17 and indirectly to goals 1 and 8.

The IsDB team presented the results of the preparation mission held during 3-5 August 2021 and its progress for preparing the project.

All ACG partners commended the progress of IsDB, expressed their positive feedback and continued committment towards the project, and indicated their potential processing plans. Oussema Trigui, EI-OTL and Tolga Yakar, PMS from the Regional Hub Turkey reiterated their support to all ACG members and informed the partners that the Project Team is ready to share any documents and information available with IsDB, including the internal Project Preparation Review Report. All partners have expressed their willingness to continue coordination and joint preparations to ensure synchronization and mitigation of various constraints.
