Visit of the Women and Youth Empowerment team to the IsDB RHI

The Women and Youth Empowerment team, represented by sister Kristonia Lockhart, Lead Gender Specialist, and sister Sharia Walker, Senior Youth Specialist, visited the IsDB RHI on 5-8 November 2019.

The Women and Youth Empowerment team, represented by sister Kristonia Lockhart, Lead Gender Specialist, and sister Sharia Walker, Senior Youth Specialist, visited the IsDB RHI on 5-8 November 2019. The main purpose of the visit was to engage in dialogue with counterparts from the Government of Indonesia along with Multilateral Development Banks and other Donor institutions such as UNDP and UNWomen.

They also conducted a workshop on Women and Youth Mainstreaming for OTLs and PMS and familiarized the Regional Hub with the pillars of the Women’s Empowerment Policy and Youth Development Strategy and the future requirement for mainstreaming within project preparation including stakeholder engagement which can be done on a regional level as part of the execution of the P5P, SDGs as part of the Global Value Chain.

