Reverse Linkage Develops Country Institutions’ Knowledge Sharing Capacity

The Ministry of National Development Planning, Republic of Indonesia, in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and other development partners, organized the Fourth High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM4) entitled “Local Innovations as a Driver for Global Development” in Bali, Indonesia on 15-16 October 2018. The event aimed at exchanging experiences and facilitate learning on challenges, opportunities and innovative approaches of institutionalized and systematic knowledge, captured and shared for national and international scale-up.

The IsDB hosted a parallel session and shared how the Reverse Linkage supports the development of a country’s institutions’ knowledge sharing capacity. The Director for Country Strategy and Cooperation Department, IsDB, explained how Reverse Linkage effectively contributes to strengthening country institutions and accessible opportunities that country institutions can tap into.

Approximately 250 international and national participants representing high-level policymakers and development practitioners from developed and developing countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, academia as well as think tanks attended the HLM4.
