IsDB Supports Indonesia to Unlock the Potential of Procuring Social Sector Projects through PPPs

The IsDB, organized a workshop on “Unlocking Indonesia’s Potential in Procuring Social Sector Projects through PPPs” aiming to enhance the institutional capacity of public sector agencies to engage in PPPs in the health and education sectors.

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, supported by the Ministry of National Development Planning Indonesia (Bappenas), organized a workshop on “Unlocking Indonesia’s Potential in Procuring Social Sector Projects through PPPs” in Jakarta on Tuesday, 4 December 2018 . The workshop was designed to help participants to build an in-depth knowledge of social sector PPPs with the aim of enhancing the institutional capacity of public sector agencies to engage in PPPs in the health and education sectors. H.E. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, the Minister of National Development Planning (Bappenas), grraced the event with H.E.'s keynote speech.
According to Ibrahim Shoukry, the Head of Regional Hub Indonesia, IsDB, ”Indonesia is facing a demographic dividend with 49.2 percent of the total population at the working age of 15-64 years. Given this favorable demographic structure, Indonesia needs quality health, education, and other social infrastructure to catalyze and accelerate this bonus for sustainable and increased national economic development. We would like to encourage and support the central and provisional Government agencies of Indonesia in adopting PPP in their social infrastructure developments, which in our opinion will play a major role in attracting private sector financial resources and expertise to social projects in Indonesia”.
Director for Multilateral Foreign Funding, Ministry of National Development Planning Indonesia, Dr. Siliwanti, stated that in order to support the achievement of development target in the Medium Term Development Plan/RPJMN 2015-2019, cooperation between the Government and IsDB is expected to be able to facilitate and further support to the implementation of the government’s priority programs and also private sector. In that respect, Bappenas fully commits to support adopting PPP scheme in social infrastructure sector projects in Indonesia.
The workshop involved participants from the line ministries, provincial governments and the private sector. The panelists included speakers from Ministries of Finance, Health, and Higher Education, Bappenas and PT. SMI as well as private sector representatives. The event expanded the knowledge of participants on various modalities of structuring PPP projects in social sectors bringing in lessons learned and success stories from around the globe.
