IsDB Presents Its Efforts in Developing Vaccine Self-Reliance and Self-Sufficiency in OIC MCs

The Government of Indonesia hosted the Inaugural Meeting of the Heads of National Medicines Regulatory Authorities (NMRAs) from OIC Member Countries in Jakarta on 21-22 November 2018. The meeting was convened in response to the growing determination in OIC Member Countries to gain self-reliance and self-sufficiency in the production of medicines, especially vaccines. The expectation was to discuss ways and means to ensure the reliable supply of good quality, safe, effective and affordable medicine, including vaccines by strengthening National Regulatory Authorities and pharmaceuticals in the MCs. Representatives from approximately 30 OIC countries and pharmaceutical industry players attended the conference.

IsDB, represented by the Country Manager of the Regional Hub Indonesia (RHI), shared the Bank’s work in the Health sector, with a specific focus on its support in the development and harmonization of standards and achieving self-reliance vaccine production. This was mainly implemented through the Self Reliance in Vaccine Programme (SRVP) which had the main activity clusters of capacity development, information/knowledge sharing and pursuing WHO certification.

The conference was concluded with a joint declaration on “strengthening collaboration amongst the OIC NMRAs towards self-reliance of medicines and vaccines” entitled the Jakarta Declaration.
