IsDB Group CGO Indonesia Resident Representative Visits Aceh

Banda Aceh - IsDB CGO Indonesia Resident Representative, Ibrahim Shoukry, visited the Province of Aceh and had an audience with H.E. the Vice Governor of Aceh Province, Nova Iriansyah. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the support which has been provided by OIC-IsDB on the Kafala Orphan Program.

IDB CGO Indonesia Resident Representative, Ibrahim Shoukry, visited the Province of Aceh and had an audience with H.E. the Vice Governor of Aceh Province, Nova Iriansyah, on 24 October 2017. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the support which has been provided by OIC-IDB on the Kafala Orphan Program.

The Kafala Orphan Program is IDB’s contribution to provide support for the children who were the Tsunami victims and this program was initiated by OIC and IDB in 2006. The goal of Kafala Orphan Program is to assist orphans of tsunami victims under 18 years in the form of food expenses, education, health and coaching. The distribution of food subsidy is given on monthly basis through saving account at Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI), while the other assistance is provided according to the conditions of program participants. Coaching and counseling are carried out by tutors once a week in the form of coaching meetings between the program participants and tutors through home visits. Coaching and counseling activities consist of educational consultancy activities, personality, learning to read Al Quran, and skills development for the program participants. Since 2006, this program has been supporting more than 18,500 orphans.
