IsDB Commences Its 42nd Annual Meeting

The 42nd IDBG Annual Meeting begins in Jeddah on 14 May 2017 with the 1st side event of the week - a panel discussion on Innovation, which brings together policy makers, academics, government and NGOs to talk about country models and frameworks for innovation.

The 42nd IDBG Annual Meeting begins in Jeddah on 14 May 2017 with the 1st side event of the week - a panel discussion on Innovation, which brings together policy makers, academics, government and NGOs to talk about country models and frameworks for innovation.

The conference titled, Nurturing an efficient Innovation & Start up Eco System : Role of the National Innovation Centers will bring in experts from various IDB Member Countries’ National Innovation Centers as well as international experts and local startups based in Saudi Arabia to discuss various facets of establishing and sustaining an efficient Innovation & Start up Eco System.
