جمهورية الجابون

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Gabon is located in the Central African Sub-Region with a population of about 1.9 million inhabitants (2016), 87% of who live in urban areas. This makes Gabon one of the most urbanized countries in Africa. The country covers an area of 267,667 km2 and is endowed with major natural resources such as oil, manganese, uranium, and timber. It is dominated by wet tropical rainforests (covering 85% of the country). Since independence from France in 1960, Gabon has remained stable and peaceful, with only brief and limited outbreaks of violence. With a gross national income (GNI) per capita of US$ 6,610 in 2017 (according to the World Bank Atlas method), Gabon is in the category of Upper-Middle Income Countries (UMC).

Gabon's economic structure is dominated by Services, with 48% of real GDP and Industry (34%, including 4% for Manufacturing), while Agriculture accounts for only 6%. Fuel and mining products make up 90% of Gabon's merchandise exports with Hydrocarbons (80%) and Manganese (10%), followed by Timber (8%). The share of oil revenue in total revenue has declined from 54% on average during 2010-14 to 32% in 2015-16, reflecting the recent decline in oil prices.

معالي الأستاذ تشارلز مبا
وزير الحسابات العامة والدين
Alternate Governor
معالي الأستاذ مارك دومبا
وزير الاقتصاد والمشاركة