Tunisian Head of Government Lauds IDB Group Cooperation

18.07.2013, Jeddah, KSA – In a message addressed to the IDB Group Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Tunisian Head of Government, HE Ali Laraayedh, expressed the appreciation of his government to the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group for continued cooperation with his country. The message comes following the recent visit of HE Laraayedh to the IDB HQ.

Since its inception in 1975, the IDB Group has approved nearly US$ 2.8 billion towards supporting development efforts in Tunisia. The amount includes financing of 72 development projects in various sectors such as infrastructure, employment for the youth, rural development, intra-trade finance and Islamic banking in addition to US$ 750 million for insurance of investment and export credit.

On this occasion, IDB Group Chairman, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, praised the strong relations between IDB and Tunisia, a founding member, and recalled the strategic cooperation document signed between the two last month towards meeting the priority development programs in the country, integration of Tunisia in the Maghreb Union, starting with the development of border regions with Algeria and Libya, promoting exchange of expertise between Tunisia and other African countries, etc.
