More than 1,000 participants explore investment opportunities in Southeast Europe at the Sarajevo Business Forum

Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5 May 2016 – More than 1,000 participants from 30 countries attended the 7th Sarajevo Business Forum, which took place on 4-5 May 2016.

The Forum showcased investment opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly in the agriculture, energy, education, finance, infrastructure, construction, service and tourism sectors. The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has supported the Forum every year since its inception in 2010.

The Forum was inaugurated by H.E. Bakir Izetbegovic, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who expressed his deep appreciation for the important role IDB plays in developing and supporting the economy of the Federation.

A unique opportunity for networking
The 2016 Forum – One Region, One Economy – was organized by Bosna Bank International (BBI) in cooperation with IDB, Dubai Islamic Bank, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank and other international partners.
Each year, the Forum provides a unique opportunity for investors and business leaders from IDB member countries and around the world. Participants share experiences, success stories and best practices and have an opportunity to network and explore investment opportunities in Southeast Europe to foster the region’s economic development.

Successes encourage investments
H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of the IDB Group, paid tribute to the remarkable economic progress made by Bosnia and Herzegovina. He noted that the government’s recent economic reforms and new facilities, along with the Sarajevo Business Forum, have encouraged investment in the Federation. Examples of successful investments include new real estate and agricultural development projects, the creation of investment companies, the construction of more hotels and efforts to increase in tourism

“These successes have made Bosnia and Herzegovina a major center in Southeast Europe,” said Dr. Ali. “They will ensure the continuation of foreign investment flows to the country and pave the way for placing Bosnia and Herzegovina on the world investment map as a stimulator of successful investment.”

Dr. Ali said that there has been a significant increase in investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina recently and an increase in GDP growth rates, estimated at about 3.2 per cent this year.
He added that the outstanding performance of BBI and its successful investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina have prompted shareholders to increase the bank's capital by more than 30 per cent, making it one of the strongest banks operating in the Federation. IDB established BBI and BBI Real Estate with other partners. The two institutions continue to perform well, contributing to the overall growth and progress Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economy. They have become a best-practice model for a steady
financial and investment growth while achieving their social and corporate governance objectives in the service of society.

16+1 Summit
The Forum also hosted the 16+1 Summit (Central and Eastern Europe plus China). This summit, a platform for prospective projects, focuses on investments that will contribute to economic development in the region. It featured investment opportunities and projects from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania.
