Former Presidents of Indonesia and Turkey in Jeddah to Participate in the Advisory Panel to IDB President

Jeddah, KSA, 18.03.2015 – The Islamic development Bank (IDB) Group is playing host to a number of globally renowned leaders, amongst them the former president of Indonesia, HE Professor Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie and the former President of the Republic of Turkey, HE Dr. Abdullah Gül.

The dignitaries also comprising former finance ministers and renowned economists of the IDB Group member countries are in Jeddah, KSA, in response to an invitation from the IDB Group Chairman Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali to attend as members of a high level advisory panel to share their extensive developmental expertise and assist the IDB in promoting development and providing services to the member countries particularly in the fields of education, health, job creation, and the Islamic finance

According to Dr. Ali, the advisory panel, during its first session, 19 March, 2015, will review a number of issues related to development and modernization of the IDB Group as a valuable international partner for development. The advisory panel is also expected to discuss ways and means towards evolving a better future for human development in member countries as well as ways and means for promoting the Islamic financial services at the global level.
