IEvD Organizes Launch Workshop for Evaluation of the Bank’s Corporate Procurement Process

The Islamic Development Bank Independent Evaluation Department (IEvD) organized a launch workshop on the upcoming Evaluation of the IsDB Corporate Consultancy Procurement Process. The purpose of the launch workshop was to engage directly with the concerned business units, align expectations, and gauge their interest in supporting the evaluation exercise. Br. Ahmed Ag. Aboubacrine, Acting Director of the IEvD, explained the main highlights of the evaluation approach paper and delineated the expectations from the key stakeholders both those housed at the IsDB headquarters and the regional hubs. 

The main objective of the evaluation is to give an independent and comprehensive assessment of the entire consultancy procurement process from preparing the business case and terms of reference to hiring the consultant to identify bottlenecks, strengths, and weaknesses. IEvD aims to provide lessons learned and recommendations to help improve the corporate consultancy procurement process. The evaluation will also assess the efficiency of the processes and relevance of the guidelines and tools, derive lessons learned, and yield insightful recommendations to improve the overall consultancy procurement process. 

Dr. Tarek El-Abbady, Director General of Corporate Services, emphasized the importance of data accuracy and transparency in the evaluation. "Our shared goal is to have an efficient procurement system".
