IEvD Holds Technical Session with Arab Coordination Group Discussed the Need for Institutionalization of Evaluation in the MENA Region

Organized a technical session with the heads and representatives of the Arab Coordination Group member institutions at the IsDB Annual Meeting 2023, where the speakers stressed the need for institutionalization of evaluation in the MENA Region. Having strong monitoring, evaluation and learning functions in place would provide the evidence needed to support decision-making during implementation of projects, they argued.

In welcoming the participants, IsDB President HE Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser said, "Organizations need to account for the use of resources and demonstrate results and the added value of their work as they are operating in an environment that calls for impartial, valid and credible evidence on the relevance, added value, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of their policies, programs and activities". He assured that IsDB is committed to securing greater cooperation and synergy with our development partners and pooling more resources and smarter solutions to edge closer to achieving the development results.

The opening remarks were delivered by the Director General and CEO of the OPEC Fund Dr. Abulhamid Alkhalifa, underscoring the need to develop a critical mass of knowledge and technical skills to bridge the gap in the monitoring, evaluation, and learning by developing the M&E systems and capabilities of the national institutions in the region.

The keynote of the session was presented by Dugan Fraser, Program Manager for the Global Evaluation  Initiative of the World Bank Group, focusing on how to build M&E systems, the benefits of strong M&E systems at the country level, and how GEI can contribute to bridging the knowledge gaps and building capacity in the MENA region.

The panel members also included Honorable Abdoul Salam Bello, the Executive Director of the Africa Group II at the World Bank Group Board, who shed light on balancing global and regional perspectives on evidence building, and Eng. Mohammad Jamal Alsaati discusses IsDB perspective on evidence to promote quality programs. Other key discussants were the heads and representatives of the Saudi Fund for Development, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, OPEC Fund, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, Arab Monetary Fund, AGFUND, Qatar Fund for Development, and Kuwait Fund.
