Action Plan for IsDB Group President’s 5 Year Program (P5P) & New Business Model in Turkey Unveild

Officials from various Ministries, the Central Bank of Turkey, as well as major development and business players in Ankara attended a technical meeting rolling out IsDB Group President's 5 year Program (P5P) and New Business Model in Turkey. According to Mr. Salah Jelassi, Regional Manager, IsDB Group Regional Hub, Turkey (RHTR), "the Republic of Turkey is a perfect fit for the IsDB Group in developing a blueprint for integrating and mainstreaming the Global Value Chains (GVC) approach in other IsDB member country partnership strategies under the Bank’s new business model.”

Ankara, Turkey, 16 July 2019 – The IsDB Group Regional Hub in Turkey, on 16 July, hosted a technical meeting on: “Rolling out P5P and IsDB’s New Business Model in Turkey”.

At the meeting, attended by senior participants from various Turkish government’s line ministries, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, private sector entities as well as international development partners, Salah Jelassi, Regional Manager, IsDB Group RHTR, elaborated that the strong interest and support to the event signifies that the IsDB Group President’s 5-year Program (P5P) has already succeeded by adopting “decentralization” as one of its main pillars. “Turkey is a perfect fit for the IsDB Group in developing a blueprint for integrating and mainstreaming the Global Value Chains (GVC) approach in other IsDB member country partnership strategies under the Bank’s new business model,” Saleh Jelassi added.

The meeting also saw presentations by different members of the IsDB mission led by Jean-Michel Happi, Director Country Strategy and Cooperation and comprising colleagues from DoST, and ERIL. Mohammed Faiz Shahul Hamid, from the GVC unit in IsDB Department of Strategy and Transformation (DoST) made a presentation on the IsDB President’s Program and the Bank’s ‘New Business Model’; Ahmed Enes Demirhan presented the preliminary findings from the analysis that IsDB has conducted on the Global Value Chains for Turkey; while Amine Hillal from the Alternative Development Finance unit, DoST, presented IsDB’s proposal for the RISE (Regional Islamic Supranational Enterprise) model. CSC’s Jean Michel Happi, meantime, briefed the audience on IsDB’s GVC-based Member Country Partnership Strategy (MCPS); and Ousmane Seck from ERIL presented the macro-economic diagnostics in the MCPS process.  

While in Ankara, the IsDB mission as well as the RHTR team comprising ICD, ITFC, and ICIEC representatives were granted audience by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, H.E. Mehmet Cahit Turhan. Separate meetings were also held with deputy ministers of Treasury, Energy and Natural Resources, as well as Industry and Technology, on Tuesday and Wednesday.


