VP of Indonesia and IsDB President Inaugurate Indonesia Medical & Education Research Institute

Jakarta - H.E. the Vice President of Indonesia, HM Jusuf Kalla, and H.E. the President of Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB), Dr. Bandar Hajjar, inaugurated the Indonesia Medical and Education Research Institute (IMERI)

H.E. the Vice President of Indonesia, HM Jusuf Kalla, and H.E. the President of Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB), Dr. Bandar Hajjar, accompanied by H.E. the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia, Dr. Muhammad Nasir, inaugurated the Indonesia Medical and Education Research Institute (IMERI) at University of Indonesia, Jakarta on 12 April 2017. The University of Indonesia’s Rector and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine hosted the inauguration ceremony.

The development of the Institute is part of the IsDB-supported Development of Medical Education & Research Center and Two University Hospitals Project, aiming to contribute to the improvement of the medical teaching, research and service delivery to the Indonesian population, and act as advanced medical referral institutes through collaboration of information, research, case studies and advanced training.

The project scope includes upgrading of human resources and curriculum development as well as civil works and procurement of associated research, medical, teaching and ICT equipment. The activities with regards to upgrading of human resources are fellowship and training programs and academic curriculum development. It is located in the faculties of medicine of the three universities namely University of Indonesia, Jakarta (DKI Jakarta) for the education and research center, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta (Central Java) and Andalas University, Padang (West Sumatera) for the university hospitals.
