Launch of the Tadamon CSO Crowdfunding Academy in Indonesia under the IsDB-ISFD NGOs Empowerment for Poverty Reduction Program

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group and the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) in partnership with UNDP joined hands with the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Finance to launch the Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy.

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group and the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD) in partnership with UNDP joined hands with the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Finance to launch the Tadamon Crowdfunding Academy. The Program will help the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) learn to develop a crowdfunding campaign through e-learning and offline training sessions comprising learning materials and presentations, work assignments, and guidance leading crowdfunding experts.

The conference took place virtually on 22nd of April 2021, with the participation of the 30 CSOs, which have been selected from 51 applicants in the Indonesia Tadamon Crowd Funding Academy. A pitching session was conducted last week for the 30 selected CSOs/NGOs with a diverse range of sectors (women, youth empowerment, disability, climate change, energy and environment, peacebuilding, STEM education, community development, agriculture, and rural development

The Program is aligned with the inclusive social development pillar of the IsDB’s 10-Year Strategy and the President’s Five-Year Program (P5P), which call for more participation of CSOs to be an active part of the network of developers. It also emphasizes the importance of the role and participation of CSOs in contributing to mainstream social economics development initiatives and supporting the achievement of the SDGs.
