IsDB & SESRIC Supports Indonesia Senior Officers Visit to Science &Technology Parks in Turkey

Islamic Development Bank & SESRIC supported the visit of senior officials from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (MoRTHE) of Indonesia and the State Secretariat Ministry of Indonesia, to Science and Technology Parks in Turkey from 06 – 11 November 2017. The delegation was led by the Secretary-General of the MoRTHE.

The main objective of this visit was to study and get acquainted with advancements in the Science and Technology Parks (STPs) in Turkey. The Delegation also had a consultation meeting with the Undersecretary for the Minister and the Director General of Science and Industry of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Industry of Turkey. The meeting focused on the national regulation and public policies to develop STPs, learning from the experience of Government of Turkey and paving the way for further cooperation between the two countries in the area of STPs.

The Indonesian development agenda emphasizes on building a competitive advantage of the economy based on the available natural resources, qualified human resources, and the capacity of science and technology. The implementation of STP development is outlined in the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia strategic plan for 2015-2019. The development of Science and Technology Park is one of Indonesian development priorities for the period of 2015-2019. The STP development is necessary to increase the capacity of innovation and technology in order to enhance the support for science and technology for the competitiveness of the production sector in Indonesia.
