IsDB President Calls for an Association for Former Staff and Scholarship Recipients

Jakarta - H.E the President called for an association for former staff and scholarship recipients in a discussion attended by 40 former staff and scholarship recipients in Jakarta.

H.E the President of Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB), Dr. Bandar Hajjar, held a discussion with the Bank’s former staff and scholarship recipients on 8 April 2017. Approximately 40 participants from different cities in Indonesia including Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Surabaya, Malang and Makassar attended the meeting.

H.E. the President took this opportunity to share the President’s Five Year Strategy with the former staff and scholarship recipients. Dr. Bandar Hajjar emphasized the importance to create an association for IsDB former staff and scholarship recipients. IsDB has started this initiative in many of its member countries to benefit from the expertise and experience gained by former staff and scholarship recipients in the development of IsDB member countries.

The discussion covered different topics such as IsDB support for researches and seminars involving former scholarship recipients; the Reverse Linkage support to the zaqah/awqaf capacity building; and establishment of an association for IsDB former staff and scholarship recipients.
