IsDB Indonesia Actively Contributes in the IFN Indonesia Forum 2017

IsDB Group Indonesia Resident Representative, Ibrahim Shoukry, actively participated in the IFN Indonesia Forum 2017� as a speaker in the panel discussion entitled “Funding Infrastructure Requirements in Indonesia: Opportunities for Islamic Finance” in Jakarta, 27 July 2017 along with other reputable speakers from state-owned enterprise, global consulting firm and capital market practitioner.

The session panelists discussed the structures, risks, and opportunities of Islamic finance tools, especially corporate Sukuk, in regards to its acceleration to fund infrastructure development in Indonesia.  IFN Indonesia Forum 2017 is an annual event that brings together the country’s regulators and market players to discuss the growth and opportunities present for Islamic finance as well as the current trends and issues facing the country’s Islamic finance landscape.

The IDB Group and its entities, ICD and ITFC, are contributing as strategic partners to IFN events including IFN Indonesia Forum 2017.
