IsDB Group Participated in the G20 Development Working Group Meeting and Side Events

Yogyakarta, 23-25 May 2022 - The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group participated in the G20 Development Working Group Meeting and organized two side events in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta, 23-25 May 2022 - The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group participated in the G20 Development Working Group Meeting and organized two side events in collaboration with the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The side event was composed of two seminars on "Strengthening MSMEs Productivity, Competitiveness, and Resilience in Facing Future Shocks Post COVID-19 Pandemics in Developing Countries, LDCs and SIDS" and "Scale-up Blended Finance and Private Finance to Reach the Last Mile". The event was opened by a speech from Mrs. Raden Siliwanti, the Co-Chair of the G20 Development Working Group/Director for Multilateral Funding, BAPPENAS, and followed by the keynote speeches from Mr. Salah Jelassi, the Resident Representative of the IsDB Regional Hub Indonesia, Mrs. Nika Saeedi, the Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP in Indonesia and also Mrs. Vivi Yulaswati, the Head of SDGs Secretariat/BAPPENAS.

On the side event I "Strengthening MSMEs Productivity, Competitiveness, and Resilience in Facing Future Shocks Post COVID-19 Pandemics in Developing Countries, LDCs and SIDS", Mr. Mohamed Abida, the Head of IsDB Center of Excellence, Malaysia was represented the IsDB Group, and on the side event II "Scale-up Blended Finance and Private Finance to Reach the Last Mile", the Bank was represented by Mr. Syed Husain Quadri, the Country Strategy and Market Integration Manager.
