IsDB Actively Participates in the BIMP-EAGA SOM

IsDB participates in the 27th BIMP-EAGA Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), 25-27 November 2018, in Brunei Darussalam. The Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Philippines-East Asia Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), which will celebrate its 25th year of establishment, is the shared strategy of IsDB three MCs (Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei) and the Philippines, to generate balanced and inclusive growth within the participating countries and contribute to regional economic integration. This sub-regional cooperation initiative is part of a broader goal to narrow development gaps within each country, across the sub-region and among the ASEAN countries.

The IsDB (represented by the Country Manager from the Regional Hub Indonesia and the Country Economist from the Country Strategy and Cooperation Dept.) presented the IsDBG, including key elements of the intended Regional Cooperation and Integration (RCI) and engaged in discussions to explore collaboration and support opportunities, with senior Ministerial officials and the private sector.

BIMP-EAGA is one of the intervention areas of the third pillar "Supporting Existing Regional Integration Programs" of the current MCPS of Indonesia (2016-2020).

The meeting concluded positively with appreciation of the IsDBG and indications of potential areas of collaboration for the IsDB Group at regional and country levels.
