Integrity and Ethics Workshop for IsDB Regional Hub Indonesia

The Integrity and Ethics Department (IED) from the IsDB Headquarters, represented by Br. Ezzeddine Nciri, the Director, and Br. Khalid Pathria, Lead Integrity Specialist, visited the IsDB Regional Hub Indonesia on 13-14 October 2022. The purpose of the visit was to conduct an Integrity and Ethics Workshop and familiarize the regional hub staff with Integrity and Ethics related rules of the Bank.

Jakarta, Indonesia – The Integrity and Ethics Department (IED) from the IsDB Headquarters, represented by Br. Ezzeddine Nciri, the Director, and Br. Khalid Pathria, Lead Integrity Specialist, visited the IsDB Regional Hub Indonesia on 13-14 October 2022. The purpose of the visit was to conduct an Integrity and Ethics Workshop and familiarize the regional hub staff with Integrity and Ethics related rules of the Bank.

The two-day Workshop conducted on the premises of the Hub was attended by staff from IsDB as well as other Group entities. A welcome remark and introductory speeches were delivered by Br. Salah Jelassi, Manager of the Regional Hub in Indonesia and the IED Director. The IED presented the integrity-related Policies, Rules, and Guidelines prevalent at the Group to prevent fraud and corruption in its operations, the IsDB Group Staff Code of Conduct,  red flags in the Group’s operations, and the Whistleblower and Witness Protection Policy. The interactive sessions were very well received by the Hub personnel and provided them an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications.
