Indonesia's Minister for National Development thoughts on South South Cooperation Pertaining to IsDB Member Countries

When asked about how IsDB member countries can come together to work on the South South cooperation on March 22, 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina , Dr. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Indonesia’s Minister for National Development stated that there “Need more participation from all IsDB members and we have to keep in our mind that there is no country that is super rich so they do not need to learn anything from any other country and on the other side there is no country that is very poor that they basically cannot share everything to other countries. So every country even despite of their condition has something to do to share with others and that should be the spirit of all IDB member countries not only just on the giving side or the receiving side but I think every member country of IDB should define themselves both as the giving side as well as the receiving side so by defining this definition that the south south cooperation among the IDB member countries I think will work at our best interest.” 
