Global Forum on Islamic Finance

The Global Forum on Islamic Finance took place on April 4th, 2019 at the 44th Annual Meeting of the IsDB Group in Marrakech, Morocco

The Global Forum on Islamic Finance took place on April 4th, 2019 at the 44th Annual Meeting of the IsDB Group in Marrakech, Morocco. The President of IsDB, HE. Bandar Al Hajjar delivered the welcoming remarks with key elements focusing on Islamic Financing in Africa. The IsDB Governor of the Djibouti Central Bank, Mr. Ahmad Osman delivered his speech highlighting the significant growth of Islamic Finance in Djibouti. Following the speech of Mr. Osman, DR. Rami Abdlkafi presented the 1st initiative of The Islamic Finance Training Institute (Future Knowledge Leaders Initiative).  

 Such an Institute is necessary in order to lay a solid sustainable foundation for Innovative Islamic Financing products, services and the creation of knowledge. This initiative serves IsDB’s New Business perspective which includes, Empowering People for Sustainable Development and supports IsDB’s objective of becoming the center of Islamic Finance globally.   
