IsDB Group Emergency Support for the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, Republic of Yemen

The Project is financed via a USD 20.00 million loan from IsDB to support the Government of Yemen health authorities,  throughout the country, with the aim to reduce the incidence and minimize COVID-19 morbidity and mortality rates in Yemen, through strengthening the operational capacity of 32 COVID-19 treatment centers and COVID-19 laboratory testing capacity of Central Public Health Laboratories (CPHLs). Thanks to fast deliveries of outputs by the IsDB Group Emergency Support for the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan Project (YEM1024), the Government of Yemen strengthened its capacities in terms of preparedness and response to the COVID-19, by enhancing pandemic early detection and case management.

WHO (implementation agent), in coordination with the Ministry of Public Health and Population, has delivered, between February and June 2021, a wide range of COVID-19 related medicines and medical supplies to all 32 COVID-19 treatment centers and 7 CPHLs supported through the Project. These supplies include lifesaving medical oxygen, IV fluids, 37 different line medicines to manage severe cases; 10 different Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) items to protect health personnel  and lab reagents/supplies to perfom COVID-19 testing using PCR technology.
