Economic Empowerment
The IsDB Economic Empowerment approach enables the disadvantaged populations to play an active role in the economic cycle in their countries and let them realistically aspire for a decent living. The Economic Empowerment, as perceived by IsDB, relies on 7 fundamentals:
- Not to consider the Poor and socially disadvantaged people as a burden on their family and society
- Consider that the targeted populations have great capabilities that need to be explored and developed
- Work on the mindset of the poor so that they exploit their abilities
- Shift from a relief assistance approach to a mix of development and market-based support
- Consider the poor as a potential economic actor in the value chain
- Carefully consider the equilibrium between social, economic and financial performances
- Rely on selfemployment and job creation
Considering the multi-faceted nature of poverty, and the different obstacles in the poor's path to unlock their full potential, IsDB argues that there is an urgent need for a paradigm shift from "Financial Inclusion” to "Economic Empowerment". Therefore, IsDB Economic Empowerment interventions provide the poor with the appropriate access to the required inputs/means to achieve financial inclusion and ensure that the poor are fully economically included.

Economic Empowerment & Sustainable Development Goals
IsDB Economic Empowerment contributes significantly to the global 2030 development agenda, which were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by 2030. Mainly, this improvement will contribute to the following six SDGs.
Office: Economic Empowerment Department, Islamic Development Bank
8111 King Khalid St., AI Nuzlah AI Yamania Dist. Unit No. 1
Jeddah 22332-2444, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 12 6361400