IsDB Group Pavilion at COP29

IsDB Group Pavilion Location at COP29: Blue Zone, Opportunity District. Pavilion: B6-73

IsDB Group has a dedicated pavilion during COP28 with an in-built side events area. All the side events will be recorded to be then uploaded to our official YouTube channel. 

All member countries’ delegates, participants, partners, and members of the public are most welcome to join in as we discuss some of our time's most critical and complex issues. 


Friday, 1st December

Aggregation and scalability in accelerating climate finance for development: the case of rural electrification in Africa

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Key side event outcomes include:

1. Rural electrification in Senegal as a case study. How an ICIEC-supported financing facility is being used to roll out rural electrification in Senegal. How smaller ticket size interventions can be aggregated to create a business case for blended finance solutions. 

2. Investment Scalability: The event will discuss scalability in climate change mitigation investment projects and transactions. It will look at investment in shorter tenor, low capex projects and transactions supporting climate action and spanning climate resilient infrastructure and sustainable agriculture.

3. Risk Mitigation: De-risking credit and political risk is key to attracting private sector finance in rural electrification in Africa, the discussion will discuss the role of credit and political risk insurance in mitigating non-payment risk across various value chains.

4. Developing Countries' Perspective: The event will highlight the case of rural electrification in Senegal and extrapolate the challenges and to be learned for other countries in Africa.


Global Mega trends - Creating a Sustainable Future

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

This event will be an opportunity to showcase experiences in digital transformation drive in select IsDB member countries i.e. KSA and UAE and some takeaway best practices by tech players in digital transformation in some key sectors i.e. financial, healthcare, education, and energy.

Saturday, 2nd December

Charting the Course: IsDB's Journey Towards Paris Alignment

10:00 am -11:30 am

The objectives of this side event are: i) To discuss and create awareness based on pragmatic, evidence-based information and different instruments available to MDBs to support Paris Alignment in their MCs, ii) To share best practices and challenges from IsDB member countries' experience regarding the implementation roadmap towards Paris Alignment (NDC Targets), (iii) Present potential business opportunities from IsDB MC on their climate actions and NDC targets toward Paris Agreement, and (iv) Present results from relevant studies, frameworks and tools aimed at understanding the impacts Paris alignment in IsDB member countries.


The role of de-risking in addressing the climate finance gap for mitigation

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The role of credit and political de-risking in accelerating climate finance for renewables projects will be discussed in this event, in light of ICIEC having joined ETAF, the Energy Transition Accelerator Financing Program. The event will bring together IRENA which manages ETAF and sets out the technical specifications of projects, ICIEC, a financing entity, and a member country for a multi-stakeholder perspective.

Sunday, 3rd December

Prevention, Resilience, Renewal: The Investment Response to Disaster Risk

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The objective of the session is to share experiences, good practices, and lessons learned in the successful implementation of disaster risk reduction particularly looking at case studies from African Risk Capacity (ARC) and IsDB. It will showcase existing and potential innovative instruments to support countries/communities in mitigating and responding to climate-induced shocks. This session will also highlight the key gaps and challenges regarding financing DRR initiatives.

Monday, 4th December

Closing the Climate Financing Gap – The Role of Green Sukuk

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The main objective of the proposed Side Event is to bring together relevant stakeholders in the Sukuk and bond markets to share experiences, market evolution, and thoughts on how to scale up Green Sukuk issuances as a sustainable finance instrument that can help to plug the massive climate funding gap.

Tuesday, 5th December

Climate, Finance and Poverty: The Role of the Private Sector

9:00 am

The central theme of the event shall be the nexus between poverty, climate, finance and investment. The event shall seek to essentially answer the following question: “how can the private sector be more involved in mitigating issues related to climate and poverty?”

Wednesday, 6th December

A Just Transition to Clean Cooking with LPG & Solartainer

10:00 am - 11:00 am

This session is dedicated to emphasizing recent research discoveries demonstrating that shifting households from polluting fuels to LPG and Solartainers for cooking yields positive net climate effects. Simultaneously, it is expected to showcase how innovative business models are rendering clean cooking solutions more affordable and attainable than ever before. To set the world on a trajectory to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C, a thriving market, accompanied by supportive governmental policies and sufficient financing, is imperative.

Friday, 8th December

IsDB-ILO Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge Call – From crises to resilience: Empowering Youth for a Greener Future. Announcement of Challenge call champions

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The event's agenda will include keynote addresses from distinguished representatives of IsDB and ILO. It will also feature a formal presentation of the three winning organizations and their proposals, followed by a panel of jurors who will assess and rank the competition's first, second, and third-place recipients. The event will end in an official awards ceremony where the prizes will be presented to the respective winner organizations.

Saturday, 9th December

Sustainable Synergy: Islamic Finance and Carbon Credits in a Green Economy

10:00 am - 11:00 am

This side event aims to explore the dynamic intersection of Islamic finance and carbon credits within the context of building a sustainable, green economy, by delving into the ethical and financial implications, opportunities, and challenges of leveraging Islamic financial principles to promote environmentally responsible practices and the trading of carbon credits, aiming to shed light on how Islamic finance can play a pivotal role in advancing global efforts to combat climate change while adhering to Islamic ethical values.


Mobilizing Islamic Finance for Climate & Nature

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Islamic Finance has a strong potential to support enhanced climate and nature initiatives.

This event is coordinated by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and the AU Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance (AU CEIF).

The event will highlight the increasing significance of activating Islamic and traditional funding mechanisms as new routes of finance for nature.

Sunday, 10th December

Climate change, food security & Islamic finance: Agricultural adaptation measures and the role of agri-tech innovation in creating a sustainable, food-secure world

10:00 am - 11:30 am

This side event will involve industry practitioners, leading experts, and other multi-faceted stakeholders on the sidelines of COP28 to share insights and further connect resources around finance, governance, science and knowledge, innovation, and technology and data, with the aim of accelerating action to achieve food security.
