IsDB Group Pavilion at COP29

Location at COP29 Blue Zone:  Zone E Pavilion F5a, Office: Zone C Office E17


IsDB Group has a dedicated pavilion during COP29 with an in-built side events area. All the side events will be recorded to be then uploaded to our official YouTube channel. 

All member countries’ delegates, participants, partners, and members of the public are most welcome to join in as we discuss some of our time's most critical and complex issues. 


(Tuesday) 12 November,  World Leaders Climate Action Summit

Counting the Cost: Financing Systematic Observation for Enhanced Multisectoral Resilience in the Global South

11:00 - 12:30

Event aims to highlight the importance of systematic observation and early warning systems in disaster reduction and to enhance resilience in the Global South. This includes discussing the current funding gaps and identify potential funding avenues, including the role of Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), such as the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and specialised agencies such as African Risk Capacity, can play in this space. The event builds on the planned IsDB Early Warning Capacity Development Program, and ongoing WMO SOFF initiatives in IsDB member countries. The event will explore alternative modes of financing that can support weather and climate observation efforts in IsDB and ARC member countries.


(Wednesday) 13 November World Leaders Climate Action Summit

High-Level Event: Unlocking Financing for Climate-Resilient Water Investments in IsDB Member Countries

11:00 -13:00

The primary objective of this high-level event is to explore opportunities for increased investment in the water sector and discuss mechanisms that are required to enhance the resilience of water sector investments in IsDB member countries. The session will cover (1) current state of the water-climate nexus and the critical necessity for resilient water infrastructure in IsDB member countries; (2) accomplishments and insights gained from financing the water sector in IsDB member countries, potentially referencing examples from the Maiden Tower Climate Resilient Water Resources Management Project in Azerbaijan and the Climate Resilient Water Resources Project in Kazakhstan; (3) function of development banks, private sector entities, and other stakeholders in financing climate-resilient water investments; and (4) Innovative financing solutions and collaborative approaches that can be expanded for enhancing the resilience of the water sector across IsDB member countries.


(Thursday) 14 November, Finance, Investment and Trade

Green Sukuk: Accelerating Momentum for Sustainable Finance

14:30 - 15:30

The main objective of the proposed Side Event is to bring together relevant stakeholders in the Sukuk as well as the bond markets to share experiences, chart the market’s evolution and thoughts on how to scale up Green Sukuk further as a sustainable finance instrument that can help to plug the massive climate funding gap, including mobilize resources for the transition.


GCF Readiness Programme Launch: Leveraging the Private Sector for Increased Climate Investment and Strengthened Partnerships (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, State of Palestine)

4.00 PM - 5.00 PM (TBC)

Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI are partnering to Launch Green Climate Fund Readiness Preparatory Support Programme, titled: “Leveraging the Private Sector for Increased Climate Investment and Strengthened Partnerships” for Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman and State of Palestine. This is a two-year grant programme that is expected to improve the enabling environment for private-sector partners to join in climate financing opportunities in the beneficiary countries. Specifically, the project will focus on private sector direct access applicants, potential future Direct Access Entities (DAEs), Executing Entities (EEs) and National Designated Authorities (NDAs) of the GCF to be able to develop effective public-private partnerships for climate action in these countries.

(Friday) 15 November, Energy / Peace, Relief and Recovery

Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming in Central Asia

10:00- 11:30

The ITFC side event at COP29, titled *"Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming in Central Asia,"* focuses on enhancing the resilience of Central Asia’s agriculture sector amidst environmental challenges, notably those posed by climate change. Central Asia’s agriculture, a cornerstone of its economy, faces threats from overreliance on traditional farming and resource inefficiencies. In response, the ITFC's Trade Connect Central Asia+ (TCCA+) program emphasizes sustainable and organic farming as solutions to increase productivity, support food security, and secure sustainable livelihoods for millions in the region.


UNFCCC Side Event- Just Transition - Perspectives from the Mediterranean Region and Global South (to be held at room Side Event 6)  

18:30 - 20:00 

The primary objective of this side event is to establish a forum for the discussion of Just and Fair Transition, incorporating perspectives from the Mediterranean Region and the Global South, as well as examining the potential roles of regional institutions and multilateral development banks, and the opportunities presented by modalities such as Islamic Finance in facilitating this equitable transition. The event aims to promote dialogue among diverse stakeholders, including government representatives, finance ministries, multilateral development banks, private sector entities, think tanks, and organised labour.


(Saturday) 16 November Science, Technology and Innovation / Digitalisation


(Monday) 18 November Human Capital / Children and Youth / Health / Education


Financing Women and Youth-Led Businesses for Sustainable Growth in Fragile Settings

11:00 - 12:30

Empowering two critical demographic groups—women and youth—who are often disproportionately affected by economic, natural, political stresses. The event will explore strategies for providing financial support, such as microloans, grants, and investment opportunities, to sustainable businesses led by women and young people in general and in fragile settings in particular. These businesses can be vital drivers of economic recovery, fostering innovation and job creation. By addressing the unique challenges faced in post-conflict regions like Karabakh of Azerbaijan, including access to capital, infrastructure, and training, the event will highlight how targeted financial solutions can promote sustainable economic growth and long-term stability.


(Tuesday) 19 November Food, Water and Agriculture

Greening the Operations of Local Financial Institutions: Challenges and Opportunities

11:00 - 12:00

This seminar aims to explore the challenges and opportunities involved in incorporating sustainable practices within the operations of local financial institutions. It will highlight the environmental impact of current practices, identify barriers to implementing green strategies, and discuss potential benefits, including financial growth, regulatory compliance, and enhanced stakeholder value. Participants will gain insights into innovative approaches to greening their operations, aligning financial services with sustainability goals, and contributing to a more resilient, eco-conscious financial system.


High-Level Climate Champions Dialogue: What is Next?

13:30-14:00 (TBC)

A high-level candid dialogue among Climate Champions to give us a diagnostic check-up and discuss what is next regarding the implementation and possible lessons learned of hosting COP. Additionally, as a supporter of the dialogue, ICD will chime in to highlight the opportunities and challenges faced by its member countries in adapting or meeting their targets per their respective National Determined Contribution (NDCs) plans.


The IsDB Livestock Program - Building a Sustainable and Resilient Livestock Production Systems for Improved Livelihood and Climate Action

14:00 - 15:30

Livestock contributes significantly to increased food supply and nutritional security, is an important raw material for the agro-industry sector, and generates employment and income. The livestock sector is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than most other food sources. Emissions are caused by feed production, enteric fermentation, animal waste, and land-use change. This side event will (i) explore scalable innovative technologies/approaches in the livestock sector that can help to address food insecurity and climate change, (ii) explore the role of international organizations and the private sector in developing the livestock sector towards addressing food insecurity and climate change, (iii) raise awareness about the IsDB Africa Livestock Resilience Program.


(Tuesday) 19 November Urbanisation / Transport / Tourism

Planning Sub-National Climate Action in Africa: Ekiti Report Launch and Panel Discussion


The objective of the event is to launch the Ekiti State Climate Action Plan report and to use it as a case study platform to dig deeper into the challenges of sub-national climate governance in a global system more usually tailored to the perspectives and roles of nation-states. The lead example from Nigeria, a Federal country, shows how decentralization can bring planning closer to local realities, and this is supplemented with a perspective from Kenya, itself now operating a decentralized system, and one other African city government currently TBC.


(Wednesday) 20 November Urbanisation / Transport / Tourism


(Thursday) 21 November Indigenous Peoples / Gender Equality / Nature and Biodiversity / Oceans and Coastal Zones
