Mining and Construction

IsDB has identified a set of core industries, in which its members offer distinguished competitive advantages. Mining and construction are considered core industries as they are the engines of many of IsDB member countries’ economies. IsDB member countries hold vast mineral reserves. These countries account for 11 percent of global mining production and they sit on 15 percent of global mineral reserves. Most Member Countries have great potential to unlock significant value add for their economies by expanding into processing and manufacturing of minerals. In construction, they can reap the benefits of large employment opportunities from the industry, especially that many of them are rich in construction minerals.

In addition, the general trend of the mining and construction industry is favorable. The industries account for around 15 percent of annual global GDP, contributing approximately USD 13 trillion in total. In 2018, the worldwide construction industry alone provided employment for almost 200 million people.

In the current context of global pandemic, and as IsDB member countries respond to current crisis, they must also prepare their economies for the medium- and long-term scenarios, as the health crisis is likely to, structurally, affect many industries. IsDB member countries must adapt and adjust their industrial policies to be future-ready and maximize benefits from their key industries under rapidly changing technological trends.

The sector insights contained in this Futures Report and its critical view of the challenges, opportunities and potential that lie ahead provide a valuable baseline and starting point for future collaboration.

The IsDB Group has adopted a new approach to development that emphasizes on making markets work for development. In this regard, the industrialization of the Member Countries is imperative to increase the competitiveness of a country and, at the same time, plug into the Global Value Chain.

IsDB has identified five common industries; agri-food, petrochemical, textile, mining, and construction, where the impact of these industries can affect the future well-being of its member countries. Subsequently, the Bank has decided to champion these core industries by using the global value chain approach in the coming years.

In this regard, the IsDB has published a series of Industry reports to provide member countries strategic insight into the challenges and opportunities to build a resilient value chain for the future.

In these reports, we will tackle four critical questions: "How will the industry look like with the global pandemic?", "Where does the member countries stand?", "How ready are IsDB countries for the future?" and "How to unlock the potential of IsDB countries in a highly volatile world?".
