
The IsDB has identified a set of core industries in which its member countries offer distinct competitive advantages: Agriculture is one of them. IsDB member countries have immense potential to be global leaders in cereal, horticulture and meat production and processing. Agriculture is recognized as a pathway for national transformation through socioeconomic development and as a crucial engine for growth. However, the real value within agriculture in IsDB member countries remains largely untapped as IsDB members have concentrated on production. This has resulted in nascent primary and secondary processing in the region, and IsDB member countries missing out on opportunities for higher value creation. At the same time, looming megatrends like climate change and population growth are fundamentally altering the competitive landscape and creating an urgency for IsDB member ountries to increase efficiency and integrate into global value.

The coronavirus pandemic is exposing not only the crust of weaknesses in global supply of food but also the core questions revolving around food security and access. Communities that were lifted from poverty are at higher risk of falling into poverty again, while the efficient production and supply of agri-food in different parts of the world are at the risk of collapsing. This calls for an even greater need for collaboration and adaptation to the “new normal.” IsDB member countries need to understand their global positions in these complex Agri-Food value chains and collaborate in different areas to build resilience and future proof the industry.

The sector insights contained in this Futures Report and its critical view of the challenges, opportunities and potential that lie ahead provide a valuable baseline and starting point for future collaboration.
