United Nations to Partner with IDB on Dry Lands-Jeffrey Sachs

Jeddah, KSA. 19.02.2013 - The United Nations will partner with the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in tackling the challenges of food security in dry land countries according to Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the Director of Earth Institute of Columbia University, USA.
Professor Sachs was speaking at the opening ceremony of the Global Dry Land Alliance (GDLA) Experts Group Meeting at the headquarters of the IDB in Jeddah on Monday. “The Global Dry Land Alliance is a path to peace, not just food security” he added.
Professor Sachs observed that the pressures of drought and poverty are part of the causes of the crises in countries like Mali and Somalia.
Earlier, in his opening remarks, IDB President Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali welcomed the experts and expressed gratitude to the government of Qatar for supporting dry land countries.
In his remarks, the Executive Director of the GDLA, Ambassador Bader Al-Dafa stated that the essence of the dry land initiative is to protect land and agriculture.
To do that according to Ambassador Al-Dafa, it requires research and scientific endeavor because countries suffering from dry lands constitute 40% of the world.
The Global Dry Land Alliance Experts Group Meeting continues until Wednesday 20th February 2013.
