UN Secretary General Praises IDB Group's Role in Supporting Member Countries’ Plans and Programs

During his recent visit to IDB Group Headquarters, UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon praised the role played by the Islamic Development Bank Group in supporting the plans and programs of its member countries and indicated that he was impressed by the cooperation prevailing among the 56 member countries, all of which are developing countries, and is in line with the IDB’s motto “Together We Build A Better Future”. The Secretary General was impressed with the motto of the Bank and had a photo
taken in front it.
He referred to the healthy working relationship between the two organizations recalling the first signature of an MoU between IDB and the UNESCO (one of the specialized agencies of the UN) in 1976 followed by many instances of joint work and signing of several MoUs with various specialized UN bodies. He noted with satisfaction the current cooperation between the two organizations in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) towards fighting poverty.
It is worth mentioning that the Islamic Development Bank was established in 1975 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in accordance with its articles of agreement towards strengthening cooperation and solidarity amongst the member states of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation.
