Three Academic Research Institutions and Centres win the IDB 1427/2006 Prize for Science and Technology

Jeddah : Sunday, May 14, 2006

The President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, has proclaimed the academic institutions and centres that have won the IDB 1427H (2006) for Science and Technology.

He indicated that an independent selection committee, composed of four eminent scholars from member countries, recently met at the Bank's headquarters in Jeddah for three consecutive days screening 88 nominees from 26 member countries. The committee finally awarded the prizes to the following three institutions:

• The Prize for Pioneering Institutions in the Development of Member Countries to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board in recognition of the Board's prominent role in achieving economic and social development in Malaysia

• The Prize for Pioneering Academic Institutions in Engineering in Member Countries to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Cairo, Egypt in recognition of the Faculty's outstanding efforts to develop engineering

• The Prize for Outstanding Academic Research Institutions in Least Developed Member Countries to the Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine in recognition of the Faculty's outstanding efforts in institutional development

On this occasion, the President of the IDB Group congratulated the winners and applauded them for the major achievements they have made in science and technology for their communities and countries.

He stated that the Bank awards the prizes because of its eagerness to promote development in all walks of life and in recognition of the role of academic institutions and research centres in boosting socio-economic development efforts in member countries through science and technology.

Each award is composed of a prize money of US$ 100,000, a merit certificate and a memorial shield engraved with the IDB emblem.

The prizes will be delivered to the winners during the upcoming annual meeting of the IDB Board of Governors in Kuwait on 3 – 4/5/1427H (30 – 31/5/2006).
