The launch of the Animation on Regional Cooperation and Integration Policy

Since its inception, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) has been promoting cooperation among its member countries to achieve their development aspirations. We have been channelling development solutions among our member countries to facilitate their socio-economic integration while tapping on the wealth of knowledge and expertise available in our membership across Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. Furthermore, we have been financing hard and soft infrastructures to improve cross-border connectivity, intra-regional trade, and investment facilitation among IsDB member countries. Some successful examples of our physical regional connectivity interventions are the Bereket-Etrek Railway Project in Central Asia and the Trans Saharan Road Corridor in Africa.

At the Bank, we believe that Regional Cooperation and Integration (RCI) can unlock the huge economic potential of our member countries. Therefore, as a global advocate of RCI, we will continue to play our roles in advancing the cooperation and integration efforts of our member countries to help them achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

Today, we are delighted to launch the animation on the IsDB Regional Cooperation and Integration Policy. It is one of the many tools that we are using to inform our internal and external audience about the importance of Regional Cooperation and Integration, the main areas of interventions and the different roles played by the Islamic Development Bank to help our member countries in achieving their development goals together.
