The Islamic Development Bank Awards Saudi Exports Development Centre the 1431H Islamic Solidarity Prize

IDB Awards Saudi Exports Development Centre the 1431H Islamic Solidarity Prize

IDB has announced that Saudi Exports Development Centre has been awarded the 1431H Islamic Solidarity Prize for the Promotion of Trade among OIC Member States. The Prize will be given to the winner during the Annual COMCEC Session in November 2010. In a statement on this occasion, H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of the Islamic Development Bank Group congratulated the winner on its notable accomplishment. He commended it for the valuable contribution to the promotion of trade among OIC Member States. IDB established this Prize in the year 1428H with the aim to recognize, appreciate and encourage the activities and efforts contributing to the promotion and increase of trade among member countries as well as celebrate the outstanding success of individuals/institutions in the said activities.
In the previous three years, two prizes were awarded while the 1429H. prize was bared for technical reasons. The awards were given to the: 1. Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) – 1428H, and 2. Export Promotion Centre of Turkey (IGEME) – 1430H. The Selection Committee, chaired by H.E. Mrs. Attiya Nawazish Ali, the Coordination Assistant of the Secretary General, Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Karachi - Pakistan was composed of eminent personalities and experts from outside the Bank. The Committee met at the IDB headquarters on Monday 21st Sha’baan 1431H (2nd August 2010) and issued the following statement: - In view of its efforts in promoting Saudi Exporters in international markets and establishing vital business contacts between foreign importers and Saudi exporters; - As a focal point for fostering links to introduce Saudi businessmen to potential partners or investors and furnishing them with detailed information on economic conditions, market prospects, exporters and regulations in foreign countries; - Taking into account its active involvement in series of activities in the areas of research & studies, export promotion, information services, exporters’ services, export financing and guarantee and coordinating & cooperating with official firms and organizations.; - Appreciating its positive impact on the promotion of intra-trade amongst OIC member countries; the Selection Committee decides to award the 1431H Islamic Solidarity Prize for the Promotion of Trade among OIC Member States to Saudi Exports Development Centre.
