The IDB's Islamic Solidarity Prize Goes to the Saudi Export Development Center

Jeddah, 11.10.2010 : During the 26th COMCEC meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, attended by H.E. The Turkish President Abdullah Gul, the IDB awarded the Saudi Export Development Center of Saudi Chambers of Commerce the Islamic Solidarity Prize for the Promotion of Trade among OIC Member Countries for the year 1431 H ( 2010 ).
The President of the Executive Board of the Centre, H.E. Dr. Abdulrahman Al Zamil received the award from H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, the president of the IDB Group. The prize reflects the Bank's appreciation of the role played by the Center since its inception in 1980 that encourages the Saudi exporters to access the international markets. It also appreciates the efforts exerted to introduce the Saudi businessmen to potential partners and investors and providing them with the necessary information, as well as the Centre’s role in the field of research, studies, information services and export finance guarantee that reflected positively on the promotion of trade among the OIC member countries.
The prize had been granted in the last two years to both Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation in 1429H (2008) and the Turkish Export Trade Center in 1430H ( 2009 ).
On this occasion, H.E. The President of the IDB Group congratulated the President of the Executive Board of the Saudi Export Development Center and all the staff of the Center on winning the prize. He also lauded the Center's efforts on boosting the economic cooperation among the Islamic countries, and wished to see more future contributions from the Center in favor of the Muslim countries.
The prize, that coined by the IDB in 1428, is designed to encourage the contributions that improve the intra-trade among OIC member countries, and promote the successes achieved by individuals and groups in this area.
