the General Assembly of the Un Granted Observer Status to Idb

The resolution states that, in a bid to strengthen cooperation with the IDB, it has been resolved to invite the latter to take part as observer in the sessions and proceedings of the UN General Assembly. The resolution also requested the Secretary General of the United Nations to take the steps necessary to implement the resolution.

The President of the IDB, Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, has in turn welcomed the adopted resolution stating that, in accordance with the resolution, the Islamic Development Bank, like other international institutions and organizations, can now take part in all sessions and proceedings of the UN General Assembly as observer. Such a status would further strengthen cooperation with the United Nations and its agencies and programmes.

The President concluded that the resolution has confirmed the international community’s trust in the IDB as well as the former’s willingness to collaborate with the IDB to combat poverty and help peoples of its member countries achieve economic development and social welfare.
