Solidarity Prize for Trade Promotion Among OIC Member Countries is Open for Nomination: IDB Declares

Jeddah, 24.5.09
The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) declared that the Islamic Solidarity Prize for Trade Promotion Among OIC Member Countries for the year 1430 H (2009 G) is now open for nomination. The Bank invited individuals and institutions from both public and private sectors to submit their nominations of natural or juridical persons they consider eligible for the Prize to the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) no later than the 17th of June 2009.
The prize qualifications and procedures require that the efforts and activities of the nominee must be related to the encouragement and improvement of trade among OIC member countries. Justification for nominations shall include a report on the nominee for the Prize with a complete C.V. and related researches and studies that support the nomination, in addition to a detailed statement of the services and the works provided by the nominee.

The Prize consists of a cash award of US$ 20,000, and a citation carrying the emblem of IDB. The Prize will be awarded during the occasion of the meeting of the OIC Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) which will be convened this year during 5-9/11/2009 in Istanbul, Turkey.
