President Macky Sall Inaugurates Dakar Regional Express Train Co-financed by IsDB

Dakar, Senegal, 27 December 2021 – Graced by the presence of the Senegal’s President His Excellency Macky Sall, the capital city of Dakar has seen the inauguration of the city’s Regional Express Train, a major project co-financed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). 

Representing the IsDB President, H.E. Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, at the launching ceremony on 27 December 2021, was Director of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Regional Hub Dakar, Mr. Musa Sillah, as the event was also attended by Cabinet Ministers, donor’s representatives, members of diplomatic missions to Dakar, as well as a huge crowd of the people.

The express train, travelling at 160 kilometers per hour, will cover the distance between down-town Dakar and the new city of Diamniadio in nearly 20 minutes transporting around 115,000 passengers per day.

The project is considered the first express train service in Sub-Saharan Africa and will play a major role in tackling road traffic and reducing green-house gas emissions in the Capital Dakar. The city of 3 million hosts nearly 20 percent of the total population of the country and offers nearly 85 percent of nationwide job opportunities.    

IsDB has provided EUR 300 million for phase one of the project and  is planning to invest another EUR 100 million in phase II which, once operational, will provide cost effective and environment friendly travel on the 55 kilometer route between down town Dakar to the Blaise Diagne International Airport, all in less than 50 minutes.

Other financiers to the project are the Governments of Senegal and France along with the African Development Bank (AfDB). However, the IsDB is the only financier who has committed to both phases of the project.  
