OIC and IDB sign MOU for Management and implementation of Ebola epidemic in West Africa

Jeddah- 12-4-1436 H. ( 1 February 2015 G.): The Islamic Development Bank (IDB), and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) signed today, at OIC headquarters in Jeddah a Memorandum of Understanding for the management and implementation of a Joint program for combatting Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
The Memorandum was signed by H.E. Iyad Amin Madani, Secretary-General of the OIC, and H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President of IDB.
Aspects of cooperation and partnership between the two parties under the MOU include the exchange of information for the fight against Ebola epidemic in West Africa, and taking advantage of the technical, administrative and legal expertise available in IDB in the implementation of the program. The MOU also includes consultation, cooperation and coordination of efforts between the two parties to ensure good planning and implementation of this program.
The MOU stated that OIC and IDB will seek to build new partnerships with local and international bodies concerned with combating this epidemic in West Africa, and that all combatting operations shall be consistent and integrated with the efforts of the local authorities and the various international and local donors. It also calls for coordination with those partners to choose the most responsive projects which address the priority needs in the concerned countries.
The program is supervised by a steering committee, chaired by the OIC Secretary General, and the President of the Islamic Development Bank as alternate Chairman. The IDB will be the executive organ of the program, and that the IDB is to provide all the services that ensure the proper implementation as per the directives of the Steering Committee to ensure the full effectiveness in the use of resources and the achievement of the specific objectives of the program.
It is worth mentioning that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, May God bless his soul, had donated in December 11, 2014, the amount of US$ 35 million, in favor of a program for combatting the epidemic of Ebola in West African region, and he entrusted IDB with the implementation of this program.
The OIC Secretary General, and the President of IDB prayed to God to bless the souk of the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, and best reward him for his generous donation, and for his continued support of all types of charities throughout his life.
The donation comprises the following elements:
- Providing schools and universities in West Africa (Genie and Sierra Leone) with thermal sensors and medical examination equipment designed to diagnose the disease, thereby facilitating its treatment and preventing its spread. The equipment will allow governments to open schools for the current academic year.
- Providing thermal sensors and medical examination equipment at airports, railway stations and bus stations to diagnose the disease and ensure early treatment.
- Establishing a specialized treatment centre in each of the three endemic countries, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, for the immediate treatment of suspected cases.
- Establishing a specialized treatment centre in Mali to treat suspected cases.
The initiative also comprised the training of medical staff, preparation of the treatment centers, and raising the public awareness to contain the epidemic.
