Media Representatives from Muslim Countries Meets with IDB Group President at IDB Headquarters in Jeddah

Jeddah, 22.10.2012 : The Islamic Development Bank hosted at its Headquarters, a reception in honor of media representatives from Muslim countries, currently in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to cover this year’s Hajj season.
The IDB President addressed the gathering on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project for the Utilization of Hajj Meat (Adahi Project), which the Bank has been managing since 1403H in collaboration with stakeholders of the Project in the Kingdom. He explained that the Project is designed to make it easy for pilgrims to perform the ritual by providing animals that meet all Sharia and health requirements and by ensuring that the environment around the Holy Sites remains clean and protected. Dr. Ahmad
Mohamed Ali further elaborated that since its inception in 1403H (1983), the project has managed to utilize and distribute more than 16 million livestock amongst the poor in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and 27 other countries.
The IDB Group President indicated that the Project’s website is designed to enable individuals intending to buy sheep for hady or odhiya or sadaqa to do so with a credit card all year round. Each coupon Price for this year 1433 H (2012) will be offered at SR 450, US$ 120 or Euro 96, according to the exchange rate of today.
He also indicated that people can purchase the coupons at Saudi post offices, branches of Al Rajhi Bank, Al Amoudi foreign exchange bureaus as well as at offices of the Al Hajj and Al Muatamir Society in Makkah. Dr. Ali then referred to Royal Decree 131 of 15/6/1419H (5/10/1998) under which it was officially declared that the sole institution authorized to sell Adahi coupons is confined to the IDB-run Saudi Arabia Project for the Utilization of Hajj Meat. He further indicated that the Project
has so far made provisions for one million sheep and 10,000 cows and camels.
The President commended the Project for enabling pilgrims to perform this rite with great ease and thus focus on other Hajj rites. He added that the Project helps to make the meat available to its rightful beneficiaries among the poor in Makkah and then provide the surplus to (27) countries for distribution to people eligible to it.
The IDB President also emphasized that all the animals are inspected by veterinary doctors and Sharia scholars to ensure that the animals meet all Sharia and health requirements.
Dr. Ahmad Mohammad Ali appealed to the representatives of media outlets to help sensitize pilgrims of their respective countries about the need to avoid going to the Project’s abattoirs during peak periods. The IDB President then spoke about the Bank’s many activities and accomplishments since it was established in 1975 to strengthen, in keeping with the Sharia, the socio-economic development efforts of its member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries. He also indicated that
the Bank’s mission is to boost cooperation among its member countries. He highlighted the Sharia-compatible modes of financing that the Bank applies in its operations as well as the IDB schemes and institutions that form what is now called the “IDB Group”.
The President then dwelled on the growing number of the Bank’s member countries, which now stands at 56. He talked about the Bank’s capital and how it was increased on several occasions until it now stands at US$ 42 billion. He further stated that the Bank’s major capital increases have helped boost the Bank’s standing and financial position, and as a result has received from Standard and Poor’s , Fitch and moody’s for the seventh year in a row credit ratings of AAA for long-term credit and A1+
for short-term credit.
In conclusion, the President expressed a word of gratitude and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, his Crown Prince and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their valuable support for the Islamic Development Bank as well as for their support for the Adahi Project to facilitate the performance of the sacred ritual of Hajj, which is designed to demonstrate Allah’s wisdom through this ritual.
The occasion was also attended by many newspapers and news agencies active in Jeddah.r
