Malaysian Trade Minister Calls for Stimulating Further Trade and Investment Flow Amongst IDB Group Member Countries

15.12.2010, Jeddah, KSA –Malaysian minister of International Trade and Industry currently visiting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on Wednesday met and conferred with President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, H.E. Dr. Ahmad Mohamed Ali at IDB Group Headquarters in Jeddah. During the meeting, Dato Sri Mustapa Bin Mohamed expressed his country’s willingness in designating an IDB Group Partnership Day in Kuala Lumpur focusing on the participation of investors from IDB Group member countries (MCs) in South East Asia discovering their existing trade and investment opportunities underlining Malaysia’s continued interest and efforts in developing and elevating the volume of intra-trade and private-sector investment amongst all MCs of the Bank.
President of the IDB Group, meanwhile, highlighted the ongoing fruitful cooperation between the Bank and Malaysia emphasizing that the IDB Group would welcome organizing such an important occasion. The IDB Group would do its utmost to promote cooperation amongst its member countries, the President added.
Presently, the volume of IDB Group financings to Malaysia stands at more than US$ 2 billion including the financing of 30 development projects in the fields of health, education, agriculture, water management, roads and food industries.
