Lives and Livelihoods Fund Delegation Engages with Ugandan Officials to Boost Economic Growth and Food Security

Kampala, Uganda, 13 August 2023 - The Ministry of Local Government, Uganda, is hosting a 13-member senior delegation from the Lives and Livelihoods Fund (LLF) from August 14–18, 2023. Headed by Dr. Issahaq Umar Iddrisu, Manager Islamic Development Bank Regional Hub Kampala, the delegation includes donor members from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISFD), and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief).

The 5-day working visit is being organized under the LLF-supported US$ 33 million initiative, titled, Local Economic Growth Support (LEGS) Project, co-financed by the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Local Government. The Project is executed through the Ministry of Local Government with The Microfinance Centre (MSC) and Millennium Promise Alliance as an Implementing Partner and Technical Backstopping Consultant.

The LEGS Project covers 17 Districts of Adjumani, Alebtong, Bunyangabu, Buikwe, Buyende, Gomba, Kabarole, Katakwi, Kyenjojo, Kibuuku, Kumi, Luweero, Nakaseke, Ntoroko, Nwoya, Rukungiri and Tororo.

During the visit, the delegation will be engaging in senior-level talks with Ministers and Permanent Secretaries of Ministry of Local Government; Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities; Ministry of Water and Environment; Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries; and Ministry of Trade, Industries and Cooperatives. The meetings will majorly focus on fostering greater collaboration towards ensuring steady economic growth and sustainable food security in Uganda.

The delegation aims to articulate and reinforce the joint efforts of the Fund and the Government of Uganda in prioritising medium to long-term development goals such as poverty reduction, sustainable development, and climate change management through the LEGS project.

The IsDB-administered LLF’s financial support to key growth sectors such as rural infrastructure, agricultural productivity, human capital development, adoption of renewable energy, and sustainable use of Uganda’s natural resources, is crucial to sustainably improve the economic status and reduce environmental vulnerabilities of disenfranchised communities. IsDB is one of the key sources of external financial assistance for Uganda, advancing economic resilience with a focus on job creation, climate stewardship, and sustainable infrastructure and development.

The delegation will also visit select project sites in the Rwenzori sub-region to observe the interventions, structures and support put in place to enhance smallholder farming systems, and bolster value chains of strategic food security crops such as rice, maize, coffee, and tea. The delegation will visit farmers, market traders, business cooperatives and female and youth entrepreneurs to discuss how they are benefitting from the LEGS project to play a better role in the agricultural and economic development of local communities.
