Leading International Rating Agencies Reaffirm IDB’s ‘AAA’ Rating

Jeddah, 28.12.2013 : The three leading international rating agencies, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch Ratings, have all reaffirmed their credit rating of the IDB for 2012 with a stable outlook. The ratings reaffirmed by these agencies are as follows: Standard & Poor’s: AAA, A-1+Stable; Fitch Ratings: AAA, F-1+Stable; Moody’s: Aaa, P-1 Stable. The IDB is currently the highest-rated institution in the Muslim world and among regional and international multilateral development banks. The
ratings are underpinned by the Bank’s strong financial profile, the relevance of its policies, continued shareholder support for successive capital increases and prudential financial and risk management policies. The IDB is a multilateral development bank that was established with the purpose of fostering the economic development and social progress of its member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries in accordance with the principles of Islamic financing. The IDB will
celebrate its 40th anniversary on the occasion of the next Annual Meeting of its Board of Governors, to be held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia during 25-26 June 2014, and will continue its reform exercise in order to achieve the objectives of its 2020 Vision. For further information, please visit our website www.isdb.org or contact us by email on ratings@isdb.org.
